How SAGE & THYME training compares with other types of communication skills training

How SAGE & THYME training works
Type of training How it works How SAGE & THYME training works
E-learning Teaches listening skills in theory but no rehearsals or direct learner interaction Accommodates different learning styles: theoretical, reflective, and experiential
Training developed in-house Often lacks evidence Years of evaluation and research into the impact of the workshop
Coaching Normally 1:1 session Teaches 30 staff members in just three hours
Enhanced communication skills training Run for small groups of staff over one or two days Teaches 30 staff members in just three hours
Advanced communication skills training* Run for small groups and senior staff over two days Teaches 30 staff members in just three hours and suitable for staff of all grades and all disciplines

* Advanced communication skills training (over 2 days for groups of about 10 staff and teaching complex communication) has the strongest evidence to suggest effectiveness on change in behaviour.