Annual study day - 16 Nov 2017

10 August 2017

The annual SAGE & THYME study day is being held on Thurs 16 November 2017 in Manchester for SAGE & THYME facilitators, key contacts and potential new customers.  It will consist of a mix of presentations and discussions on:

  • The first 10 years of SAGE & THYME training: establishing the credibility of the workshop and unlocking the training potential in the NHS - Mike Connolly, SAGE & THYME Team
  • Establishing a facilitators’ forum across Northern Ireland – Denise Cranston, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
  • Why hospices run the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshop - Andrew Kenwrick, Mary Stevens Hospice (Birmingham)
  • Starting out with SAGE & THYME: things to consider - Robert Smith, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • My two years as a facilitator – what I’ve learnt - Andy Wells, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
  • Interactive discussion: choosing usable scenarios for rehearsals - sharing the ‘dos’ and the ‘definitely don’ts’
  • Interactive discussion: things we know now, that we didn’t know when we started out – panel of morning presenters

How much will it cost and how do I book a place?

The early bird fee for bookings by 4pm on Friday 29 September 2017 will be £60 per person.  The full price of bookings made from Monday 2 October 2017 will be £80 per person.  If you would like to attend, please complete and return the attached booking form to arrive no later than 20 October 2017.  Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact:; or ring 0161 291 4210.